15 daily Tips and Habits


15 daily habits and tips for a productive and healthy day australian lifestyle bloggers live a healthy organised lifestyle you love

15 Daily Tips and Habits

1// Preparation is key

Preparation in the kitchen is key! I love a well organised fridge of chopped up fruits and veggies, homemade protein balls, banana bread, frittatas, muesli bars and more! It makes packing lunch boxes easier, making lunch and grabbing snacks much quicker.

2// Read

5 minutes or 30 minutes everyday it doesn’t matter. And no reading on social media or website articles does not count! Im talking picking up a physical book or magazine. First thing in the morning when I wake or before I go to bed is when I chose to read. For books I frequently visit our local libraries rather than buying every month. You can find my library reads here and my list of #girlboss books here 

3// Make A List + Plan your day

Another thing I do daily or the evening before. Make a list of everything you have to do for the day. Appointments, chores, errands to even noting down self-care! I write it all down and tick it off as the day goes. If I don’t complete my list I write the items down again for the following the day or schedule in where it suits me.

My Daily Planner has a To-Do List which saves me from having multiple notepads on my desk. If you are after an amazing lifestyle daily planner I have a desktop Amelia Paper Lane Planner which I highly recommend!)

4// Move Your Body

A brisk walk, gym session, outdoor fitness class, morning run, yoga, walk the kids to the park…no matter how you chose to move, just move your body daily!

Have a fitness tracker? Set a step goal and hit it every day!

There are some great health and wellbeing apps to keep you accountable and be rewarded. Yes you can be rewarded for walking! Now that is motivation! I personally have two on my phone I use.

1. JUMPA – Connect your fitness tracker and receive points for the daily step milestones your reach. You are also rewarded activity intensity points for how many minutes you were active for the week. Plus if your fitness provider is listed make sure you checkin with the unique code and you can earn more points! Jumpa also host regular challenges to be in running to win bonus points! Once you have accumulated enough points you can reward yourself with gift cards from David Jones, Rebel, Country Road, Endota Spa, Jetstar, Hoyts and so many more!

It costs nothing to join although you can pay a fee monthly to receive more points! I personally dont pay a thing and am just letting my points accumulate. I have also just joined my first ever challenge the Melbourne Cup Challenge!

2.QANTAS WELLBEING – Earn Qantas points simply by walking, swimming or cycling. Once again simply connect your preferred fitness tracker and away you go! It is that easy! Daily Challenges, Weekly Challenges and Sleep Health Challenge will all get you extra points. Invite friends for bonus points and compete in challenges against each other for bonus points. Whoever knew walking could be so fun!

Check it out Qantas Wellbeing here

5// A Smoothie a Day

Sneak in some extra veggies, protein boost, probiotic powders, super greens. Smoothies can make great nourishing snack or breakfast for on the go. Ive recently one of my favourites here on my Instagram

6// Organise the Night Before

Lay out outfits for the next day the night before. I always try to get the kids clothes all organised the night before so there is less running around in the morning trying to find socks or a sweater!

7// Have a Morning Routine

A good morning routine can put you in a great mood and lift your motivation for the day ahead. Wakeup before everyone, meditate, listen to a podcast, read, exercise, enjoy your coffee, plan your day, do whatever puts you in the right mindset and prepared for the day ahead.

8// Water

Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate. Carry a water bottle everywhere!

9// Tackling the “To-Do” List

One of the best things I read recently about accomplishing your “to-do” list is to start with the biggest tasks and/or most dreaded tasks first. Then move down one by one.

10// Get the kids involved

From grocery shopping, food prepping, hanging the washing to folding clothes I always get my girls involved. My girls absolutely love sorting out all the socks and underwear. Which is fine by me as I absolutely dread that part of folding!

11// Its ok to not do it all

Always remember if you dont get it all in one day there is always the next day

12// Schedule self-care

A nightly face mask, early morning walk, 5 minutes meditation or perhaps to just sit and enjoy a hot coffee/tea. These are all self-care ideas to just spend a few minutes on yourself. As Mums we can be super busy juggling everything self-care is a must. It doesn’t have to be 20 minutes, even just five minutes is enough

13// Clean work space

Clean space, clear mind, less stressful

14// Healthy Snacks

Always keep healthy snacks in your bag to make you stop buying impulse snack purchases when out. I like to have protein bars/ball (Mak Fitness is where I shop for protein bars) and an apple for on the go ideas. Saves you money and you are less likely to reach for a muffin with your coffee or chocolate bar!

15// Wakeup Early

This is a game changer!

Wakeup an hour even half an hour before your kids. With a good planned out morning routine you will be amazed at how much you can achieve and will be in a much happier mood! The mornings I don’t wakeup before the kids my day feels so unorganised and I feel behind in absolutely everything! The mornings I wake up at 5am-5.30am I am much more happier and feel like I achieve so much more in the day.

For more on morning habits I highly recommend reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I have just finished and what a lifestyle change!
